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...The benefits of a Southwestern College education donât stop at graduation. Southwestern College Professional Studies graduates impact their communities, and shape their workplaces. Our learners go ...

Prospective Faculty

...Southwestern College Professional Studies (SCPS) is committed to quality education for adult learners and employs motivated professionals working in their field of expertise to serve as Affiliate Facu...

Air Force

...As a Category 3 AU-ABC partner, Southwestern College allows airmen to transfer in their Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) degree (60 credit hours) and work toward an approved bachelorâs deg...


...(MFS20_Silver_600x600.png) (cas-logo.jpg:original) College of the American Soldier Southwestern College is proud to be a part of the College of the American Soldier. The College of the American S...

Coast Guard

...Southwestern College recognizes the importance of providing relevant industry-focused programs that allow learners to incorporate practical theory with real world experience. Our Cybercrime Investig...


...Southwestern College has established a great tradition of assisting Marines and their family members with accomplishing their academic and career goals. Our progressive six-week online classes and tr...


...Whether you are seeking to advance your Naval career or prepare for a transition into the private sector, Southwestern College has a wide variety of flexible degree programs geared toward sailors seek...

Reservist and Guard Members

...Southwestern College recognizes the sacrifices members of the National Guard and Reserves have made for our country. Our dedicated military department is here to assist you with accomplishing your aca...

Tuition Assistance

...All service members eligible must coordinate with education advisors or ESOs or counselor within their military service PRIOR to enrolling to obtain approval for Tuition Assistance. Air Force Tuitio...


...As a veteran friendly institution, Southwestern College accommodates the needs of veterans and their family members. Southwestern College is a proud participant in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affa...
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