Online programs that fit your schedule: Spring Session 3 classes begin March 31st Apply Today!

Army Army Army


Military Friendly Silver 2020

cas-logo.jpg College of the American Soldier

Southwestern College is proud to be a part of the College of the American Soldier. The College of the American Soldier (CAS) works in conjunction with ArmyIgnited and colleges whose degrees participate in the Career Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Degrees Program.

CAS expands existing civilian higher education degree choices to provide Career NCOs with broad preparation degree options not tied to a specific MOS and that:

  • Provide flexibility in degree completion time
  • Maximize credit transfer between colleges
  • Maximize college credit for military training and education
  • Minimize academic residency requirements
  • Provide business and management-related degrees

The Process to Receive Tuition Assistance for Your College Education as an Army Member

In order to qualify for Tuition Assistance, all soldiers must:

1. Submit an application to their school of choice.
2. Once admitted, receive a degree plan and take that to their education center for approval.
3. The soldier must request their TA through the ArmyIgnited AI portal portal no later than 7 days prior to the class start date. Education institutions do not request TA for soldiers.
4. Once the request for TA has been submitted, class information will be verified by the education counselor at the learner’s installation to ensure their courses match their degree plan.
5. Once TA is approved, the education instutition will receive a secure flat file (SFTP), which confirms TA has been approved.
6. Student may now begin classes.

All eligible service members must coordinate with education advisors or ESOs or counselor within their military service PRIOR to enrolling to obtain approval for TA.

Transcript Information

Information regarding Joint Services Transcripts

Southwestern College will accept up to 64 credits from your Joint Services Transcript (JST). Once you have enrolled in ArmyIgnited, you will need to request an official copy of your JST. You may access your JST online.

Please note: Southwestern College requires students submit official transcripts from each university they have attended within eight weeks of starting classes.

Official Transcripts can be mailed to:

Southwestern College
ATTN: Registrar’s Office
100 College St.
Winfield, Kansas 67156

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