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Math Resources Math Resources Math Resources

Math Resources

Online Math Resources

CanFigureIt Geometry

Offers tools for math students to learn about proofs and explore them from multiple angles.


Student resources such as Student Solutions Manual, Instructional DVDs, math/statistical software packages and technology guides are offered to those who use their textbooks.


Inquiry-driven math support offering interactive simulation tools.


A site that enables visitors to create, share, and modify models and simulations.


IXL offers hundreds of Algebra skills to explore and learn!

Kahn Academy

A solid, free resource for targeted math and science instruction, test prep, history, and more.


A YouTube channel offering tutorials on decimals, fractions, algebra and functions, number sense, geometry, and more. provides a complete online College Algebra course. Perfect for the remote math classroom, we offer the one-on-one learning experience that every student needs to conquer College Algebra

Math Nation

Approachable video courses help learners to break down math and build up problem solving skills.

Math Notes from

Site provides a complete set of free online (and downloadable) notes and/or tutorials for math classes.

Math Planet

Math Planet guides one through algebra topics such as linear equations, inequalities, graphs, matrices, polynomials and radical expressions, quadratic equations, functions, exponential and logarithmic expressions, sequences and series, probability and trigonometry. Each lesson presents theory, examples and video lessons.


A YouTube channel offering various math and statistics topics from a 30-year veteran math teacher.


Publisher of free, high-quality college textbooks on various topics including math.

Phet Interactive Simulations

This site offers a collection of excellent and free science and math simulations.


SchoolYourself contains free interactive lessons from award-winning Harvard instructors has engaging online math courses in algebra, statistics, and more with self-paced video lessons.


A website that includes more than 1,500 video lessons covering middle grades through Algebra 2.

SC Online Math Tutoring FAQs

Why should I request an online math consultation?

Mathematics is an essential part of our world thoroughly integrated into our day-to-day lives. We oftentimes use math without even realizing it, so it is vital to properly, and thoroughly, learn basic mathematical concepts. Studying, and practicing, mathematics builds problem-solving skills while conditioning us to evaluate things critically and creatively across all career fields. Solid problem-solving skills are highly sought after and assist everyone on both a personal and professional level. One-on-one consultation with a faculty math consultant can help a learner to:

  • address specific math challenges
  • strengthen understanding of foundational math principles
  • apply math tools and concepts for real-world usage
  • gain confidence with applying math in problem-solving scenarios
  • build advanced math skill sets

What kind of math help might one seek help with?

Learners are encouraged to seek help with any type of math and/or math-related problems across the curriculum at any stage of their learning process. The only stipulation is that learners must submit the following prior to the consultation:

  • specific math topic(s) and/or problem(s) detailing assistance needed
  • relevant/supplemental materials such as assignment guidelines, class notes/handouts, any work/calculations you have done to solve the problem on your own, etc.

This will allow the consultant to establish a starting point and carry out necessary preparation work ahead of the meeting.

What can I expect from a 30-minute virtual consultation?

In a typical consultation, the learner can expect to receive guidance regarding various mathematical concepts, processes, and computations. Depending on the learner’s individual needs and/or specific assignment instructions, the consultant might guide the conversation in the direction of:

  • explaining material in a variety of ways to help facilitate understanding
  • outlining methods/steps critical to solving specific math problems
  • reinforcing concepts/formulas through real-life examples
  • providing studying tips and/or learning resources

Our goal is to provide useful comments, insights, and suggestions to foster independent learning. It is important to note that our math consultants are dedicated to working WITH you to help maximize your chance of being successful as opposed to working FOR you. Consultants will not do your actual homework, tests, and exams, nor will they be able to guarantee actual grades or speak for your instructor.

Online Tutoring Center Contacts

General questions:
Technical Support: HelpDesk

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