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5 Ways to Stay Engaged in an Online Learning Environment

December 21, 2020 8:17am

A common misconception among adults considering whether to pursue a degree on ground or online is that they won’t be able to interact and feel connected if they are only attending classes virtually. However, when approached correctly, learners find they are able to have meaningful interactions with their instructors and peers no matter their location! Here are a few helpful tips to achieve this!

Limit distractions

Keeping the distractions to a minimum is essential when it comes to establishing engagement while you are pursuing a degree online. Make sure the TV is off and your electronic devices are put away or left in another room if necessary. You might surprise yourself with how much more quickly you can complete assignments and how much more meaningful study time you will have when you aren’t losing focus due to diversions. If you need a little extra help blocking distractions, there are multiple apps that can help!

Actively participate

It can be difficult for some to engage in participation in online classes because of the distance factor. However, it’s really important to join in everything you can in order to feel and be connected. Get to know your classmates and instructors. Discussion posts are a great way to accomplish this. They are designed for meaningful interaction and discussion among you and your peers, so make the most of them by putting in real effort.

“I always encourage learners to engage with peers and instructors beyond the confines of the course materials,” says Allison Apaza, Southwestern College Professional Studies affiliate faculty member. “The discussion board posts are a great opportunity to share personal experiences, which helps forge deeper connections.”

If you want to get the most out of your online courses and education, you should strive to make your communications with classmates and instructors worthwhile.

Create a designated study/learning space

If you are like many other adult learners, you have pets, a spouse, and/or children sharing your space with you. Though it might be tempting to find a comfy spot on the couch or post up at the dining room table to study or complete assignments, those likely aren’t the best options when it comes to establishing productivity. Find a spot in your house where you can be the furthest removed from noises and other disturbances. Grab a comfortable chair and a room with lighting that suits you. It’s good to have a space where you go mostly just to study. This can keep you in the right frame of mind of staying on task and preparing to learn.

Follow school on social media

Are you following your college on social media? If not, you should be! This is a great way to engage, feel connected, and stay informed! Many schools post helpful resources, scholarship opportunities, job news, and more! It may not seem important to interact on social media, but you never know who you might interact and network with and what useful information you can come across!

Reach out to Instructors

Reaching out and communicating with your instructors is an excellent way to maintain interaction while you are in school. Instructors are experts in their field and bring their own knowledge and experience to their lessons. Get to know them, interact with them, and use their expertise to help you grow.

“In live Zoom sessions, I am able to connect with the students and they are able to ask questions,” says Dr. Ivy White, Southwestern College Professional Studies affiliate faculty member. “It creates the perfect atmosphere for interactive dialogue with me as well as their peers.”

If your instructor offers opportunities to connect either live or through email, be sure to take advantage.

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