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Setting SMART Goals to Stay Motivated in online classes

May 18, 2020 4:36pm

Setting SMART goals is a great way to remain focused and motivated as you work your way toward earning your degree online. Here is what the letters in SMART stand for and how to put them to use!

What does SMART stand for?

S – Specific

When beginning to set your SMART goals, you’ll need to specify what goal you are setting. Are you wanting to achieve a certain grade? Are you wishing to finish a large project by a certain date? You need to know exactly what you are trying to achieve.

M – Measurable

Your goal needs to be measurable. What steps can you take to measure yourself along the way to make sure you are staying on course?

A – Action-Oriented/Achievable

While you want to achieve something challenging, you also need to set a realistic goal that is possible.

R – Relevant

Set a goal that lines up with your overall plans.

T – Time-oriented

Your goal should have a time limit. You’ll want to set a specific date or period of time in which you are to accomplish your goal.

Goal Setting Steps

Step 1 – Identify your goal

For starters, you can fill out a Goal Setting Worksheet to help you go through the process. The first step on the worksheet is to set your goal. What is it you would like to do? As an example, maybe you want to earn an A in your English Comp 2 class. Is this specific? Yes. You have set a specific grade you would like to earn? How are you going to measure this? You can do this by continuing to check your grades throughout the academic session to make sure you are on track to earn your desired grade. Is this achievable? You feel that since you earned an A in your English comp 1 class, you can do the same for this class. Is it relevant? You need this course in order to earn your bachelor’s degree, so this goal is relevant to your plans. Is this goal time-oriented? Yes. You know you need to earn an A by the time your final assignment is due at the end of the course.

Step 2 – Make a plan

On your worksheet this is where you can describe in detail how you will achieve this grade. Maybe you need to set aside specific days and times for studying and writing papers. Perhaps you need to utilize the Online Writing Center for writing help. You might decide you need to submit your paper by Tuesday so you can have your consultation on Wednesday and still have a few days to edit and improve your writing before it is due on Sunday. Write down a realistic plan you think you can stick to in order to see this goal through.

Step 3: Look ahead

Now that you have identified a goal and figured out some of the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve it, ask yourself how you are going to do this. Identify what obstacles you are going to have. Is your study time going to conflict with other obligations on your calendar? Are you going to have to ask for some help with certain errands, household chores, or taking care of your kids? Write out what obstacles you know you are going to face, what you are going to need to obtain in order to overcome those obstacles, and who you are going to look to for help.

Step 4: Visualize your success

You might be feeling a little overwhelmed by the work that is going to have to be put in in order to see your goal become a reality. But think about how great it will feel to see that A on your transcript. Your GPA will be that much higher and you will have gained important skills you can use down the road in your core classes and even in your future career. Keeping this in the back of your mind will help keep you focused and on track.

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