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How to Obtain Military Transcripts How to Obtain Military Transcripts How to Obtain Military Transcripts

How to Obtain Military Transcripts

How to Obtain Military Training Transcripts

Southwestern College Professional Studies is very progressive in its undergraduate transfer policies, allowing you to maximize your prior military training toward completion of your degree requirements. Up to 64 credit hours (depending on the level of the training) may be transferred from CCAF/USCGI/JST transcripts, as well as additional coursework from any accredited institution and CLEP/DANTES tests transcripts.

To order a transcript, please refer to the specific information below. If you have questions for a Southwestern College military representative, please e-mail
or call toll-free 888.684.5335.

Air Force Transcripts

We accept up to 64 credit hours from the The Community College of the Air Force. Order your CCAF transcripts and mail them to:

Office of the Registrar
Southwestern College
100 College St.
Winfield, KS 67156-2499

Army and Army National Guard Transcripts

Joint Service Transcripts (JST) is a computerized transcript system that produces official transcripts for active duty soldiers, veterans and retired Army, National Guard and Reserve members by combining a soldier’s military education and job experience with descriptions and college credit recommendations developed by the American Council on Education (ACE). In addition to name and SSN, the transcript contains the following information:

  • Current or highest enlisted rank
  • Military status (active or inactive)*
  • Additional Skill Identifiers (ASI) and Skill Qualification identifiers (SQI)
  • Formal military courses
  • Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) held Standardized test scores
  • Descriptions and credit recommendations developed by ACE

Order your JST transcripts online. Select Southwestern College Professional Studies in Wichita, KS from the drop-down list of institutions you would like to receive your official transcripts. Transcripts will usually be sent to the college within 24 hours.

Coast Guard Transcripts

The Coast Guard uses the U.S. Coast Guard Transcript for documenting all training and experience worthy of academic credit. To acquire a transcript, visit the U.S. Coast Guard Institute website. Click on “official transcripts” for instructions about how to submit a written request for your transcripts. A copy of your DD-214 (discharge papers) and copies of course completion letters or certificates must also be attached to your request. Download: Transcript Request Form.

Designate that your official Coast Guard transcript be mailed to:

Office of the Registrar
Southwestern College
100 College St.
Winfield, KS 67156-2499

Navy and Marine Corps Transcripts

Joint Service Transcripts (JST) is now available to document American Council on Education (ACE) recommended college credit for military training and occupational experience. JST is an academically accepted record that is validated by ACE. The primary purpose of JST is to assist service members in obtaining college credit for their military experience.

JST has replaced the DD295, the Application for Evaluation of Learning Experiences during Military Service, which is the form currently submitted to colleges by Sailors and Marines to verify their military experiences. The DD295 may still be necessary to document some training and experience that is not contained in and cannot be added to current personnel and training databases.

You can find out more about JST, what a JST contains, how to get a JST or make corrections to your transcript online.

Designate that your official JST be mailed to:

Office of the Registrar
Southwestern College
100 College St.
Winfield, KS 67156-2499


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