Online programs that fit your schedule: Spring Session 3 classes begin March 31st Apply Today!


Total Credit Hours: 124

Transfer Credits: Up to 94

Be ready to shape the young minds of tomorrow with your bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Southwestern College! Whether you are looking to become an elementary school teacher, counselor, or consultant, you’ll graduate with the tools you need to be successful. Courses are taught by experienced education professionals who incorporate real-world application to the course material. Learners enjoy the flexibility they need to balance school, work, and family with courses taught completely online in 12-week session.

Recently ranked by U.S. News and World Report for its online bachelor’s degree programs, Southwestern College offers quality online degrees to adult learners. With courses taught by expert faculty and access to a variety of student resources, SC learners are provided with the tools and flexibility needed to succeed in their education while preparing for professional advancement.

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Are you a paraprofessional or teacher aide working in a Kansas school district? Through the Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Program you can earn your bachelor’s degree in elementary education at Southwestern while continuing to work!


  • On-the-job learning and specialized knowledge
  • Guidance of experienced mentors
  • Gain practical skills, knowledge, and industry-recognized credentials


$9,750: Yearly Tuition for 30 hours

KRTA Grant and Scholarship opportunities available:

*Must be accepted in the Kansas Teacher Apprentice Program. Must apply for Kansas Teach Service scholarship.

**Must be accepted in the Southwestern College Education program. Must apply for TEACH grant.

Note: We encourage students to complete the FAFSA to determine eligibility for other federal aid opportunities such as the Federal Pell Grant or Federal Student loans.


Learn more about the KRTA model and how to apply at the Kansas State Department of Education website:

Kansas Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Model

Apprentice Checklist for KRTA Process

KRTA Application due by June 1, 2024


Projected Job Growth (BLS): 7%

Average Salary (PayScale): $54k

Graduates of the online elementary education program at Southwestern College will be prepared for a variety of careers, including:
  • Elementary school teacher
  • Education consultant
  • Admissions counselor
  • Youth organization director


“What was really attractive about Southwestern was the online capability. You kind of get out what you put into it and so I felt like even though it was going to be a challenging experience to go and learn completely online, it was the right option for me at the time.”
Ginnie, 2015 Elementary Education Graduate


Visit our faculty page to view current education instructors.

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Article: 5 Degrees with Career Versatility


The Southwestern College teacher education program is a student-centered learning community dedicated to optimal intellectual growth, preparation for leadership in the field of education, personal development, ethical values, and lifelong service in a world beyond cultural boundaries.

Anyone interested in the program who resides in a state other than Kansas must check with that state’s department of education to determine specific licensure requirements for teaching within that state and the acceptability of out-of-state licensure.

Admission Requirements

  1. Applicants must be graduates of an accredited high school or have completed a GED®
  2. Minimum GPA of 2.75

Core Major Requirements

EDUC212: Education Entrance Seminar

Education Entrance Seminar provides an introduction to education as a second career and delayed start undergraduate learners. This course is designed to assist each prospective teacher in gaining a valid and comprehensive knowledge of what is involved in a teaching career. Emphasis is placed upon inquiry and personal involvement in planning an effective and successful career in education. This course is only for second career and delayed start learners.

EDUC215: Foundations of Education

This course explores the theories and applications of educational philosophies for students’ use in both the classroom and their personal and professional lives. Additionally, educational institutions will be examined from historical, economic, sociological, and political perspectives.

EDUC216: Diversity Field Experience

This course provides an opportunity for prospective teachers to observe, tutor, or mentor students in a school where there is a diverse population. Students must complete at least 20 hours of work in a school with a diverse population.
Prerequisite: EDUC215 (or concurrent enrollment).

EDUC220: Educational Technology

Students will investigate and evaluate the significant impact technology has on learning, motivation, and pedagogy. Students will interpret and implement the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS‐T) and for students (NETS‐S) and apply the NETS‐T to construct valuable teaching experiences, as well as experiences to highlight student learning that reflects the NETS‐S. Technology integration across the curriculum will be explored and students will develop and design lessons and use technology tools to support learning in an educational environment.

EDUC223: Fine Arts in the Elementary School

The course provides a prospective teacher education candidates with the design, implementation, and evaluation of fine arts (music, art, dance) learning activities that are developmentally appropriate, meaningful, and challenging for all K-6 students, and the learning activities lead to positive learning outcomes that develop positive dispositions toward artistic explorations and expression. Cross-listed with Integrative Arts.

EDUC280: The Other Literacies

Students will familiarize themselves with the literacy components of writing, speaking, and listening. Students will refine their own writing skills, explore the writing process, understand the role of grammar in writing, and identify strategies to helppre‐K through 12th grade learners develop their own skills. The skills needed to view and comprehend material, arrange it, and aid pre‐K through 12th grade learners in the various ways information can be processed will also be addressed. Additionally, students will examine the benefits of cooperative learning in enhancing the speaking and listening skills of pre‐K through 12th grade learners, as well as the characteristics of exemplary speakers and listeners in the classroom.

EDUC318: Numbers, Computation, and Mathematical Processes

A course focusing on number sense, number systems, and their properties with an emphasis on analyzing the age-appropriate standards (State Early Learning Standards and State Math Standards). An introduction of theorist, theories, and developmental stages will be addressed and integrated into activities and lessons. This course includes development and understanding of the five process standards, connections, and applications with number sense in the classroom. All methods, concepts and strategies will be applied to a classroom environment and differentiated for all learners.

EDUC322: Educational Psychology

A course designed specifically to study the behavior of individuals and groups in educational settings. Emphases are placed upon development, motivation, assessment, individual differences, teaching modalities and learning preferences. Attention is also given to character education and attitudes. Directed observation and participation in the public schools provide practical application of course theory. Twenty hours of observation/participation in a public school classroom is required.
Prerequisite: PSY 110 and Admission to Teacher Education.

EDUC323: Introduction to Exceptionalities

A course designed to prepare prospective elementary and secondary teachers in the understanding and appreciation of students with exceptionalities. Emphases are placed upon characteristics and categories of exceptionality, processes of referral, assessment, and placement of exceptional students. Effective teaching practices and observation in the public schools provide practical application of course theory. Twenty hours of observation/participation in a public school classroom is required.
Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.

EDUC328: Instructional Strategies in Physical Education for the Elementary School Teacher

This course addresses the major concepts of health education, human movement, and physical activity as essential elements which foster a healthy lifestyle. Content includes health, nutrition, safety, impact of movement on brain development and learning, and integrates movement learning theories and practice across all curricular areas and instruction.

EDUC329: Children’s and Adolescent’s Literature

This is a survey of literature K-12. It explores literature and relevant contemporary issues regarding literary works and pedagogy pre-K through 12th grade. Students will also become familiar with text complexity and its use in helping readers progress into more challenging levels of literature.

EDUC336: Foundations of Literacy

The purpose of this foundations course is to provide pre-service elementary and secondary English language arts teacher candidates with a solid foundation for effective literacy instruction grounded in the science of reading. The course presents the scientifically based reading research fundamentals needed to understand the structure of the English language, how reading develops, the contribution of linguistic and cognitive factors to literacy outcomes, and the importance of explicit, systematic, and engaging instruction for all students. Emphasis will be placed on the essential components of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and reading comprehension. The course requires a 10-hour literacy practicum. Credit 3 hours.

EDUC337: Science in the Elementary School

A course focusing on age-appropriate standards (State Early Learning Standards and State Science Standards) with the methods of science instruction, organizing and presenting science materials for instruction, observation of classroom science presentation, familiarization with current trends in science education, and the development of a background in the content areas of science.

EDUC338: Math in the Elementary School

A course focusing on principles and methods of mathematics instruction at the elementary level organized around the (State Early Learning Standards and State Math Standards). Development and presentation of math materials and units of instruction, familiarization with current trends in math curriculum and instructional methodology, and attention to evaluating and adapting instructional materials and delivery methods to the needs and learning styles of students are components of this course.
Prerequisite: EDUC318.

EDUC343: Home, School, and The Community

The purpose of this class is to promote the understanding that quality services for young children and their families are best ensured by establishing collaborative relationships between the home, school, program, and community. A portion of the course focuses on techniques for establishing collaborative relationships with parents and involving family members in the growth and development of the young child. Health, nutrition, and safety issues also will be explored.

EDUC344: Content Area Literacy

This course will address the content area literacy movement and the philosophy behind this approach to instruction in K-12. Schema activation for pre-reading, metacognitive monitoring for during reading and post-reading discussion building and critical thinking will be addressed. This class will also address vocabulary and concept development, study skills, effective writing prompts, assessments and considerations for special-needs and English language learners. Includes field-based experiences.

EDUC345: Social Science in the Elementary School

This course emphasizes the relationship of the various social science areas and the elementary school curriculum. Content includes unit and instructional material development and presentation, familiarization with current trends in social studies instruction. Emphases include multicultural instruction, interdisciplinary unit development, and the methodology of content delivery.

EDUC349: Reading in the Elementary School

This course will emphasize the various methods of teaching and assessing reading in the elementary school. It will prepare prospective teachers to develop programs to strengthen vocabulary and comprehension skills, assess growth in reading skills, diagnose reading problems, and adapt instructional materials and delivery methods to meet the special needs and learning styles of students. In conjunction with regular course work, the prospective teacher will gain experience through practical application with a required 20 hour practicum in the public schools.

EDUC437: Elementary School Methods and Management

This course focuses on the development of professional teaching skills for the elementary and middle school teacher, including: a personal philosophy of education; classroom management procedures; a discipline plan; instructional methods and strategies; program, course, unit, and lesson planning; awareness of current trends in education; and assessment/evaluation strategies. During this semester, candidates complete their professional portfolio and make application for the Capstone which includes the student- teaching placement. This course is taken immediately prior to the professional block. Lecture and clinical field experience.
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education program and senior standing.

EDUC440: Student Teaching Seminar

A seminar course designed to be taken in conjunction with the student teaching block. This course focuses on the development and completion of the Kansas Performance Teaching Portfolio as well as the practical steps needed for obtaining a teaching position. Candidates practice reflection and problem solving of professional issues and tasks which may be encountered by the beginning teacher.
Prerequisites: Unconditional admission into student teaching. Concurrent enrollment with either EDUC 446, 447, 448, 449. Course graded S/U.

EDUC447: Observation and Supervised Teaching in Elementary School

Clinical experiences in accredited schools for teacher licensure candidates. Concurrent enrollment with EDUC 440.
Prerequisites: Unconditional admission into student teaching.

EDUC450: Introduction to Language, Linguistics, and Culture in the Context of Secondary Language Acquisition

This is an introductory course in language and linguistics, which explore the nature, structure and diversity of language, emphasizing the phonological, syntactic and semantic patterns of English. Candidates will explore the principles of linguistic systems and major theorists and schools of linguistic thought in anticipation of working with communities of nonnative English-speakers. Theories and research of secondary language acquisition will also be explored, along with the relationship of communication, culture, and identity as it relates to language learning. This course is designed as one of two courses to prepare candidates for the ESOL Praxis II exam.

EDUC490: Teaching English as a Second Language and Assessing Language Competency

This course provides the foundation for second language instruction by examining a broad range of methodologies to provide academic experiences for English Language Learners. (SIOP model included.) Application of these “best practice” concepts will be used to plan, implement, and evaluate instruction for ESOL students. An opportunity to volunteer with ESOL students for 8 hours during the course will be included.

Cognate Requirements

MASC110: Statistics and Probability

This course acquaints learners with the tools and major components of statistics. Learners will apply technology to analyze data. The course also includes the foundational terminology and practices used in contemporary statistics, such as data collection, metrics, score interpretation, and experimental design. Additionally, this course will promote the skills that learners need to be able to take information from the world around them and use it to make sound decisions based on solid evidence.

PSY 110: General Psychology

This course explores major perspectives, principles, theories, and methods that govern the study of mental processes and behaviors. Learners will trace psychology’s historical roots, scientific basis, and major perspectives and consider contemporary and historical theories of how biological, cognitive, and environmental factors underlie and influence human development, sensation and perception, consciousness, intelligence, and social dynamics. Learners will also examine the theories and processes essential to learning, memory, motivation, and personality, identify psychological disorders and their treatments, and discuss application of psychological principles to everyday experiences and real-life examples.

PSY 252: Developmental Psychology

Learners in this course will gain a basic understanding of the biosocial, cognitive, and psychosocial development in humans from birth through adolescence, with additional emphasis on young adult through death.

General Education Requirements*

Basic Skills

ENGL101: Composition 1

This course helps learners develop writing skills that are transferable to any academic or workplace writing task. The course guides learners through the process of planning, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading academic and workplace writing. Learners will develop skills necessary to craft coherent sentences and paragraphs, to edit editing their writing for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. They will learn about narrative structure and techniques as well as the elements of successful argumentation and persuasive discourse. This course also guides learners through every stage of the research process. Learners will develop a research plan, conduct research, organize and draft a research paper, and then revise, edit, and proofread that research paper.

ENGL102: Composition 2

This course builds on the thinking and writing skills introduced in Composition 1. Learners will write critical, argumentative essays based on their interpretations of nonfictional texts, including literary, film, and cultural texts, and in doing so, will recognize the role of rhetoric in the writing situation as they craft persuasive discourse. In doing so, they will learn methods of questioning, analyzing, and evaluating their own beliefs as well as the perceptions and perspectives of others. These methods of critical thinking are intended to improve the quality and organization of learners’ writing for any purpose, including academic and workplace purposes. In addition to writing essays, learners will develop more advanced research strategies, as well greater proficiency in APA style.
Prerequisite: ENGL101

COM125: Speech

This course helps learners majoring in any discipline strengthen communication skills essential for success in academics and the workplace. Learners will focus on listening, evaluating, and delivering spoken discourse based on audience and purpose. Learners will evaluate why some people are more effective than others as public speakers, analyze speeches and audiences, study ethical considerations for speakers, research and organize findings on a topic, and present findings before an audience, and learn techniques for identifying and reducing speech anxiety.

MASC110 Statistics & Probability or MASC115 College Algebra

MASC110 Statistics & Probability, or MASC115 College Algebra, or more advanced college credit bearing mathematics course requiring college algebra or higher as a prerequisite.

Ethical Reasoning

HUM201: Ethics

Ethics introduces learners to moral philosophy, the branch of philosophy that questions what is good and bad. The course surveys a number of important ethical theories—ethical relativism, objectivism, egoism, altruism, utilitarianism, duty‐based moral theory, natural law, natural rights, and virtue ethics—as they examine reasons why certain actions are morally right or wrong. Learners will apply ethical theories in the evaluation and analysis of current controversial issues, question ethical matters from a variety of angles, and acquire new tools to assist them in making ethically sound, well‐informed decisions throughout their lives.

Disciplinary Perspectives

Natural Science (3 or more credit hours)
Social Science (3 or more credit hours)
Humanities (3 or more credit hours)
The Arts (3 or more credit hours)
Other Cultures (3 or more credit hours)


CAPS495 Senior Capstone

Senior capstone or major capstone course.

*Most general education requirements are waived for students with an AA or AS degree. Speak to your admissions counselor for details.

Graduation Requirements

  1. Complete all foundation and major courses with an overall GPA of 2.75
  2. Complete a minimum of 124 credit hours, with at least 60 hours at a bachelor’s degree-granting institution
  3. Complete at least 30 credit hours with a C average or above from Southwestern College

All degree requirements are subject to change. Please see Southwestern College Catalog for the most current degree requirements.

*Online courses are six weeks long with the exception of some RN to BSN and Education courses. Please review the course catalogs for more information.

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