Sadie Parker
Phone: 316.866.3381
Toll-Free Phone: 888.684.5335 ext 3381
Role: Academic Advisor
Hometown: Mulvane, KS
Hobbies: I love crafting and doing Pinterest projects
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Communication, Professional Master of Business Administration
If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d pick: Ireland
Accomplishment I’m most proud of: First-generation college student
My first job was: at Papa John’s
If I could have one superpower, it would be: Invisibility
Three things that remain on my bucket list: Travel to different countries, meet Brad Paisley, and scuba dive
My favorite quote: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa
What do you like most about your position at Professional Studies? I like that I get to build relationships with students and guide them as they achieve their goals.
What makes you passionate about helping adult learners? I believe that everybody has the ability to earn a degree as long as they truly want it and work for it, and I want them to see that they are capable.
Sarah Stephenson
Phone: 620.229.6094
Toll-Free Phone: 888.684.5335 ext 6094
Role: Academic Advisor
Hometown: Winfield, Kansas
Hobbies: Spending time with family, singing, and building Legos
Accomplishment I’m most proud of: Raising three amazing children.
Degree(s): B. S. in Strategic Leadership (May 2023), Will complete Master of Science in Leadership (MSL) (December 2025). Both are from Southwestern College.
If I could travel anywhere in the world, I’d pick: Israel – I would enjoy seeing where Jesus lived.
Someone who inspires me: My husband Matt. He is one of the most hard-working people I know, and he loves God.
Guilty Pleasure: Reality TV (Even though it isn’t reality. LOL)
Family life: I have three grown sons, two daughters-in-law, and my first grandchild arriving in September 2025. My husband and I live on the Southwestern College campus and so does one of my son’s and his wife. We all live close and spend time together weekly.
My first job was: Working in the nursery at my church.
My hidden talent: I used to work at a toy train store, so I know a lot about toy trains and know how to repair them.
Three things that remain on my bucket list: Go to Israel, go on a cruise, and spend time spoiling my grandchildren.
If I could have one superpower, it would be: The power not to require sleep. I could do a lot of great stuff in those extra hours.
My favorite quote: “Do to other whatever you would like them to do to you.” Matthew 7:12 NLT
What do you like most about your position at Professional Studies? I enjoy helping people pursue their degree. I especially enjoy helping students that have been working towards completion for many years. I began my journey to pursuing my bachelor’s degree in 1998 and finally completed it in 2023. Lots of starts and stops along the way but it is never too late!
What makes you passionate about helping learners? I know that many of people I am helping are busy with families and full-time jobs. I am passionate about assisting them to complete their degree despite all the challenges they may be facing. I enjoy helping in any way I can while they do the work.